关于「 voox」的内容列表

AI cryptocurrency platform VOOX receives $50 million investment from Pinnacle Capital

Artificial intelligence cryptocurrency platform VOOX Exchange has received a massive $50 million investment from Pinnacle Capital, a global private investment firm known for its strategic investment in emerging technologies. This round of financing will be primarily used for infrastructure building, security enhancements, and enhanced marketing efforts to attract users. Pinnacle Capital will provide strategic guidance to ensure VOOX meets key regulatory compliance requirements while optimizing i...

2025-01-13 17:19:20
AI加密货币平台VOOX获得Pinnacle Capital 5000万美元投资

人工智能加密货币平台 VOOX Exchange 已从 Pinnacle Capital 获得 5000 万美元的巨额投资,Pinnacle Capital 是一家全球私人投资公司,以其对新兴技术的战略投入而闻名。 本轮融资将主要用于基础设施建设、加强安全措施以及加强以吸引用户为目的的营销工作。Pinnacle Capital 将提供战略指导,确保 VOOX 满足关键监管合规要求,同时优化其业务模式以实现可持续增长。

2025-01-13 17:19:20